
Friday, October 2, 2015

Special Guest - Mrs. Thomas

Mrs. Thomas, a Concord parent, visited our class today to help us learn how to center ourselves, get focused, how we can feel happy, loved, and powerful, and how this ties into The 7 Habits!  We started off the time with Mrs. Thomas by doing a centering activity that involved closing our eyes, breathing, and getting focused.  The kids enjoyed getting relaxed, and peaceful.

In the picture above, Mrs. Thomas is sharing a bowl of dirty water.  (See the bowl below)  She explained to the kiddos that when there's a bunch of junk floating around in our minds it can be hard to focus and get centered.  Mrs. Thomas taught us some ways to help us get centered, and clear our minds.

Mrs. Thomas explained to the class how to use their 6 senses (the 6th sense being mental attention) to work on undivided attention.  We practiced this by using all of our senses to watch the clock for three minutes.  They practiced on keeping their mental attention on the clock.  She explained to the class that by focusing their mental attention they are working towards being better listeners - being Proactive!  It was very interesting to see who could not stay focused for three minutes!  ðŸ˜€  We did talk about we can use this strategy to get centered and focused to help us in school.

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