
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Genius Hour

The students were VERY excited to begin Genius Hour in our classroom today!  Today was just an introduction and to get the students thinking about what their passion is, what they want to learn more about.  Below are some links to videos we used today, as well as some pictures from an activity we did.  You will see that Genius Hour is a time for students to pick something they are passionate about, learn more about that passion, and eventually will present to the class what they learned or created.  We will spend one hour a week in class working on our Genius Hour projects.  It is not homework!  This is a very fun an exciting way to encourage more learning in the classroom!  I am excited to begin this new adventure of Genius Hour with these kiddos!

Below is a link to a video that the students enjoyed.  The message of the video was that creativity is not measured by time.  The students were given 10 seconds to finish a picture, and then 10 more minutes to work on the picture, just like in the video.  Then, we discussed how they felt about having more time, and what more they could accomplish when given more time.  Pictures are below as well.

We then watched a video by Kid President to help inspire our thinking!

Then we listened to the book The Dot read aloud to us by the author.

After that, we watched a video on failure, and discussed how it is GREAT to fail!

Next Step:  Students need to think about what their passion is!  They will pick a Passion to work on next Tuesday!

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