Weekly Update
Important Reminders:
Important Reminders:
- Field Trip permission slips to Cahokia Mounds on Oct. 4th are coming home tomorrow. Please return them as soon as possible. Chaperones are welcome! There is a place to say if you would like to join us on the permission slip. Thanks is advance for your help!
- PLEASE practice multiplication facts! The students need to really know them quickly, and without having to use strategies to solve them. We will be starting multi-digit multiplication and long division soon, and having those multiplication facts memorized will be a HUGE help! Thanks for your help with this! Flashcards, ALEKS Quick Tables, and Xtra Math are great resources for practicing facts. Below are some links to game directions that you can also use to play at home for practice:
Game Time
Important Dates to Remember:
Check Out What We Are Learning This Week:
We will be celebrating our Realistic Fiction pieces on Monday. Students will have a chance to check out their friend's writing, and leave a nice comment for them. On Tuesday, we will continue working in this Narrative Unit by taking what we learned during the Realistic Friction part and applying it to another piece of writing. The students will be writing a Mystery. We will be generating ideas, planning our writing using a story arc, discussing the traits of our character, and figuring out the problem and solution of this piece. We will be reading some fun mystery picture books as mentor texts during this piece as well.
We will be moving on from learning all about characters: their traits, how they change throughout a story, what motivates them, what do they want to achieve and how will they achieve it, and the struggles they might have. We are going to spend some time looking at the setting and the plot of a story. We will be using some fun picture books for these lessons as well.
Read Aloud:
We are continuing to read Nine, Ten: A September 11th Story. It is one of the Mark Twain Nominees. It is from the perspective of four different children from different parts of the United States. We are hoping to finish the book this week, and then I will share with them the Author's Note at the end.
We will begin Ch. 3: Understand Multiplication and Division. The students will be able to relate multiplication and division and division and subtraction, use multiplication as a comparison, learn the multiplication and division properties and how to use them to help when multiplying and dividing, learn the associative property, and learn to identify factors and multiples. As of now, our test is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 3. I will let you know if this date changes due to needing more time with these skills and concepts.
The students are finishing up their To Do List this week for their first spelling sort. The test will be on Friday, Sept. 21. The test will be taken using Spelling City. Information on how to login to Spelling City was on the purple note that was sent home with your child's current sort to learn. Spelling City has lots of games to practice words, as well as practice tests to use. The students will have class time at least once this week to spend on Spelling City.
Social Studies:
We began learning about the different Native American Regions last week. We will be learning about one region a day. The students will use a handout about that region, as well as pebblegonext.com to research about the region of the day. They are researching to find out what the Native Americans ate, what they used for shelter and transportation, what the environment was like, and what kinds of clothing they wore. They can also research for other important information to share as well. After they complete their research, they complete the activity for that region, and then add it to their Native American Lapbook project. (Pics are on the BLOG from our first day.) We learned about the Northwest Coast Region and the California Intermountain Region last week. This week we will learn about the Southwest Region, the Plateau Region, the Great Plains Region, and the Eastern Woodlands region. Stay tuned for more pics! We are hoping to be finished with Lesson 3 by 9/27, and will then start Science after that.
Have a great week!
- Library is tomorrow. Please plan to bring any books you need to renew or return. Also, the students are welcome to go to the library during the week to return and get new books. However, some friends are asking every day, sometimes twice a day. They should really plan on going once during the week that is NOT our library week, and on the day that is our library time. They do not really need to go more often than that.
- PLEASE plan on attending the 7:00 PTG meeting on 9/18 to hear our new superintendent, Dr. Lake, speak. He has lots of great information to share, and is just amazing. Please take some time to attend and hear his message. Thanks!
- Early Release is Wednesday. We will dismiss at 1:40. Students will eat lunch at school. We will also meet with our buddies on this day to do a fun kindness activity.
- Our first Counseling lesson will also be on Wednesday. Mrs. Herrman will be coming into our classroom every 3 weeks to teach a lesson to the kiddos.
- Please remember to check, and initial, your child's planner every night. Homework and important notes are written in the planner daily. Thanks for your help with this!
- Please send a snack with your child that is NUT FREE every day, as we do not eat lunch until 12:10. Thanks!
Important Dates to Remember:
- Sept. 17-21 - Leader of the Week = Kaden
- Sept. 18 - PTG Meeting at Concord at 7:00
- Sept. 19 - Early Release & Buddies
- Sept. 24-28 - Leader of the Week = Kaybree
- Sept. 26 - Picture Day (order forms went home already. If you need another one, please let me know.)
- Sept. 28 - No School - District PD Day
Check Out What We Are Learning This Week:
We will be celebrating our Realistic Fiction pieces on Monday. Students will have a chance to check out their friend's writing, and leave a nice comment for them. On Tuesday, we will continue working in this Narrative Unit by taking what we learned during the Realistic Friction part and applying it to another piece of writing. The students will be writing a Mystery. We will be generating ideas, planning our writing using a story arc, discussing the traits of our character, and figuring out the problem and solution of this piece. We will be reading some fun mystery picture books as mentor texts during this piece as well.
We will be moving on from learning all about characters: their traits, how they change throughout a story, what motivates them, what do they want to achieve and how will they achieve it, and the struggles they might have. We are going to spend some time looking at the setting and the plot of a story. We will be using some fun picture books for these lessons as well.
Read Aloud:
We are continuing to read Nine, Ten: A September 11th Story. It is one of the Mark Twain Nominees. It is from the perspective of four different children from different parts of the United States. We are hoping to finish the book this week, and then I will share with them the Author's Note at the end.
We will begin Ch. 3: Understand Multiplication and Division. The students will be able to relate multiplication and division and division and subtraction, use multiplication as a comparison, learn the multiplication and division properties and how to use them to help when multiplying and dividing, learn the associative property, and learn to identify factors and multiples. As of now, our test is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 3. I will let you know if this date changes due to needing more time with these skills and concepts.
The students are finishing up their To Do List this week for their first spelling sort. The test will be on Friday, Sept. 21. The test will be taken using Spelling City. Information on how to login to Spelling City was on the purple note that was sent home with your child's current sort to learn. Spelling City has lots of games to practice words, as well as practice tests to use. The students will have class time at least once this week to spend on Spelling City.
Social Studies:
We began learning about the different Native American Regions last week. We will be learning about one region a day. The students will use a handout about that region, as well as pebblegonext.com to research about the region of the day. They are researching to find out what the Native Americans ate, what they used for shelter and transportation, what the environment was like, and what kinds of clothing they wore. They can also research for other important information to share as well. After they complete their research, they complete the activity for that region, and then add it to their Native American Lapbook project. (Pics are on the BLOG from our first day.) We learned about the Northwest Coast Region and the California Intermountain Region last week. This week we will learn about the Southwest Region, the Plateau Region, the Great Plains Region, and the Eastern Woodlands region. Stay tuned for more pics! We are hoping to be finished with Lesson 3 by 9/27, and will then start Science after that.
Have a great week!
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