Weekly Update
Important Reminders:
Important Reminders:
- Picture Day is Wednesday! Bring your sweet smiles and your picture forms.
- Please return Cahokia Mounds field trip permission slips as soon as possible. Thanks!
- PLEASE practice multiplication facts! The students need to really know them quickly, and without having to use strategies to solve them. We will be starting multi-digit multiplication and long division soon, and having those multiplication facts memorized will be a HUGE help! Thanks for your help with this! Flashcards, ALEKS Quick Tables, and Xtra Math are great resources for practicing facts. Below are some links to game directions that you can also use to play at home for practice:
Game Time
Important Dates to Remember:
Check Out What We Are Learning This Week:
We are continuing to work on our Mystery pieces this week. We have listened to several fun mystery books to use as mentor texts for our writing. We planned out our Mystery piece using the "Detective Case Report" graphic organizer. These kiddos are learning some fun new "mystery" words/vocabulary as well. This week, they will use their Case Reports to draft their piece. On Thursday, they will look at their pieces with their writing partners, and with the "Super Sleuth" peer editing page.
This week we will be celebrating our first Reading Unit, along with the read aloud Tiger Rising. In Tiger Rising, the main character, Rob, keeps his thoughts and feelings all locked up in a "suitcase." We spent a lot of time discussing this suitcase, as well as Rob and Sistine (a friend he meets in the book). We will spend time filling up Rob's suitcase with things that were important to the story. We will have some fun discussions about the book, the items the kiddos chose, as well as reviewing what we learned in this unit.
- Please remember to check, and initial, your child's planner every night. Homework and important notes are written in the planner daily. Thanks for your help with this!
- Please send a snack with your child that is NUT FREE every day, as we do not eat lunch until 12:10. Thanks!
Important Dates to Remember:
- Sept. 24-28 - Leader of the Week = Kaybree
- Sept. 26 - Picture Day (order forms went home already. If you need another one, please let me know.)
- Sept. 28 - No School - District PD Day
- Oct. 1-5 - Leader of the Week = Michael
- Oct. 4 - Cahokia Mounds field trip
- Oct. 5 - Family Trivia Night (I will be there as a judge so make sure you say hello!)
- Oct. 8-12 - Leader of the Week = Rose
- Oct. 11 - Michael's Birthday
- Oct. 15-19 - Leader of the Week = Caroline
- Oct. 19 - End of First Quarter
- Oct. 19 - Half Day of School (Dismissal is 11:40) & Buddies
- Oct. 22 - Rose's Birthday
- Oct. 22-26 - Leader of the Week = Alen
- Oct. 26 - No School
- Oct. 27 - Noah's Birthday
- Oct. 29- Nov. 2 - Leader of the Week = Alex
- Oct. 31 - Fall Festival (includes the Pumpkin Run, Class Parties, and more..)
Check Out What We Are Learning This Week:
We are continuing to work on our Mystery pieces this week. We have listened to several fun mystery books to use as mentor texts for our writing. We planned out our Mystery piece using the "Detective Case Report" graphic organizer. These kiddos are learning some fun new "mystery" words/vocabulary as well. This week, they will use their Case Reports to draft their piece. On Thursday, they will look at their pieces with their writing partners, and with the "Super Sleuth" peer editing page.
This week we will be celebrating our first Reading Unit, along with the read aloud Tiger Rising. In Tiger Rising, the main character, Rob, keeps his thoughts and feelings all locked up in a "suitcase." We spent a lot of time discussing this suitcase, as well as Rob and Sistine (a friend he meets in the book). We will spend time filling up Rob's suitcase with things that were important to the story. We will have some fun discussions about the book, the items the kiddos chose, as well as reviewing what we learned in this unit.
We will also spend a few days focusing on Theme. The students will be able to understand the difference between main idea and theme, will be able to recognize and explain the theme of a story using details from the text.
Read Aloud:
We finished Nine, Ten: A September 11th Story. It was a great book! We had a lot of great discussions while we read the book. After reading the Author's Note at the end, I shared with the students a book called 14 Cows for America. This book shows how people in another country (Africa) helped the United States after 9/11.
Read Aloud:
We finished Nine, Ten: A September 11th Story. It was a great book! We had a lot of great discussions while we read the book. After reading the Author's Note at the end, I shared with the students a book called 14 Cows for America. This book shows how people in another country (Africa) helped the United States after 9/11.
I will begin our third read aloud on Monday. I am going to read a fairly short chapter book called, Deep and Dark and Dangerous by Mary Downing Hahn. It is a mystery, so I want to read this book as the students are writing their mysteries. I explained to the kiddos that this book is a mystery, but it is not a scary story. No nightmares for us! :)
We will continue with Ch. 3 this week. We will spend some more time on the Associative Property, as this is an important skill. We will also spend two days on Factors and Multiples. This is a hard skill to catch on to, especially if multiplication facts are not known, so we like to give the kiddos plenty of time learning and practicing this skill as possible. We will also do some work with problem solving. We will have two days to review for the test (Oct. 1 & 2), and our test will be Wednesday, Oct. 3.
The first spelling tests went home on Friday. New words will be coming home Monday. We will spend 9 days working with our words like last time. We will test on the 10th day, which is Tuesday, Oct. 9.
Social Studies:
We are finishing learning about the different Native American Regions this week. We have the Eastern Woodlands and the Southeast Region left. We will complete our lapbooks, and will spend some time watching some Discovery Education videos about the different regions. We watched two last Friday, and the kids really enjoyed seeing what the Native American's life was like in those regions.
We will continue with Ch. 3 this week. We will spend some more time on the Associative Property, as this is an important skill. We will also spend two days on Factors and Multiples. This is a hard skill to catch on to, especially if multiplication facts are not known, so we like to give the kiddos plenty of time learning and practicing this skill as possible. We will also do some work with problem solving. We will have two days to review for the test (Oct. 1 & 2), and our test will be Wednesday, Oct. 3.
The first spelling tests went home on Friday. New words will be coming home Monday. We will spend 9 days working with our words like last time. We will test on the 10th day, which is Tuesday, Oct. 9.
Social Studies:
We are finishing learning about the different Native American Regions this week. We have the Eastern Woodlands and the Southeast Region left. We will complete our lapbooks, and will spend some time watching some Discovery Education videos about the different regions. We watched two last Friday, and the kids really enjoyed seeing what the Native American's life was like in those regions.
We will begin our first Science chapter on Oct. 1st.
Have a great week!
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