
Monday, March 6, 2017

Weekly Update

March 6th-10th

Hello Families!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:
  • This Friday is a half day! 
  • This Tuesday is the last opportunity for students to work on their Genius Hour projects!  Please remind your child to bring in any work that they will need to help them finish up their projects.  I am so impressed with the work I have seen!  We will be presenting our work to the class the week of the 13th. 
  • Last Friday a note was sent home with your child regarding conferences.  Keep an eye out for this!

Weekly Objectives:

Writing:  We will continue working on our fourth writing unit: Persuasive Speeches, Petitions, and Editorials. This week we will continue work in our cause groups. Students have chosen a cause they are passionate about, the type of persuasive writing they would like to use (petition, editorial, or speech) and the audience they are directing their writing towards.  We will research our cause in order to become more informed and begin using the information we find in our petition, editorial, or speech. 

Reading: This week we will continue our newest reading unit: Mysteries!  We will learn about utilizing our reading partners when we run into trouble in our mystery books and when we come across the solution, we will make sure to go back into the book and look for hidden clues that we may have missed along the way!

Math: This week we will finish up Chapter 10: Fractions.  We will work on comparing fractions using less than, greater than, and equal to.  The test for this chapter is Thursday!  Study guides will be sent home Wednesday. 

Science/Social Studies: Due to many events happening during our social studies and science time over the next few weeks we will not be starting another social studies or science chapter until the end of the third quarter.  Instead, we will be taking this time of the day to review the reading and math Galileo tests in order to make sure we are remembering concepts and skills that we have previously learned!

Have a great week!

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