
Monday, January 23, 2017

Weekly Update

January 23rd-27th

Hello Families!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:
  • This Wednesday, the 25th, is an early release.  Students will be bringing home their Leader Binders.  Please make sure to check out all of the work we have added!
  • On Wednesday we will meet with our Flyer Families.  Please have your child wear their flyer family shirt.
  • This Friday is Ability Awareness Day.  We will start the day with an assembly and we will listen to multiple presenters throughout the morning.
  • Here is the revised calendar for the 2016-17 school year due to the snow day.

Weekly Objectives:

Writing:  We will continue working on our fourth writing unit: Persuasive Speeches, Petitions, and Editorials. We will edit the speeches that we have already written and we will choose the one speech that we would like to take all the way to publishing. 

Reading: This week we will continue our fourth reading unit: Research Clubs.  We will focus on collecting important information and making to sure to think about that information.  We will ask questions about the information we collect in our research clubs.

Math: This week we will be reviewing for our Chapter 8 test.  Our test will be on Wednesday.  Study guides are coming home today!

Social Studies: We are working on a project that will replace our test for chapter 10. This project will be done at school. The students will be creating their own product and thinking of a way to market and "sell" their product to consumers.  This week we will be presenting our product "commercials" to the class!

ALEKS Homework:  Students will begin having homework on ALEKS this week.  They will need to complete at least 10 minutes on their ALEKS PIE during the week.  This is NOT nightly homework, but 10 minutes for the week.  I will send home another ALEKS login page today in case the one from earlier in the year was lost.  

Have a great week!

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