
Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween Party

Ability Awareness Month

First, we read the book "Why Me?" and then we discussed how everyone is different, special, and unique. Then we talked about how everyone should be happy to be themselves! After our discussion, the students worked in groups to draw posters celebrating all of the different abilities!

Weekly Update

October 31st-November 4th

Happy Halloween!

Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:

  • Just a reminder that this Monday, October 31st is our Fall Festival Day!  The Pumpkin Run is from 11:40-12:00, the costume parade is at 1:40 (students should bring their costumes to school and there will be time for them to change into their costumes before the parade), and the classroom Halloween party is from 2:00-3:00.  I hope you can join us!
  • Book Orders are due Friday, Nov. 4th.  I will NOT be sending home book orders in December due to the Book Fair at school that month.  If you want to order any books as Christmas gifts, please just let me know and I can keep them a secret from your kiddo.
  • This week kicks-off our helping hands campaign!  This week is food week.  Any contributions you can make are greatly appreciated!
  • This Friday, the 4th, is Jingle for Jammies.  Wear your favorite jammies to school and bring in any spare change! 
  • On Tuesday, November 1st, a permission slip for our first field trip will be coming home with your child.  Be on the lookout for this and send it in as soon as possible!
Weekly Objectives:

Writing:  This week, we will finish our second writing unit, 
Adapting and Writing Fairy Tales. Students will have the choice to publish their fairy tale adaptation or their original fairy tale.  A note will be coming home soon regarding our Fairy Tale Frenzy!

Reading: This week we will finish our second unit: Character Studies.  We will create strategy groups that focus on the four strands of this unit: character traits, character responses/changes, determining themes, and the parts of a story.

Social Studies:  This week we begin chapter 7: Being an Active Citizen.  We will make sure to talk about the upcoming election as well as what makes a good citizen.  We are having a school wide "voting" taking place this Monday.  Make sure to talk with your child about the importance of voting!

Math:  This week we will continue Chapter 5: Understanding Division.  We will work on relating subtraction and division, using a number line, and understanding that multiplication is the inverse operation of division.  The test for this chapter is currently scheduled for Friday, November 4th.

Have a great week! 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Mystery Reader - Maggie's Mom

Thanks for reading to us today!  We loved the book "The Teeny Tiny Women!"  The kiddos couldn't wait to find out who was in the cupboard talking to the Teeny Tiny Women!

We also loved the book "Cinderella Skeleton!" This book was perfect since we are going fairy tales right now, and it's  Halloween time!  Great choice!  ðŸ’—