
Monday, September 19, 2016

Weekly Update

September 19th-23rd

Hello Families!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:

  • This Friday there is no school!
  • Picture Day is September 28th!
Weekly Objectives:

Writing:  This week we will peer edit our narrative piece and work on punctuating dialogue correctly.  We will then begin publishing our pieces!  The students have worked so hard on making their piece the best it can be, I am so proud of them!

Reading: During reader's workshop we will continue building our reading lives by working on ways to "talk back" to the text.  We will finish our first reading unit on Thursday and we will celebrate by watching the movie "Stone Fox".  This is the mentor text that we have been studying throughout the unit.

Social Studies:  We will finish up first social studies unit: neighborhoods and communities.  Last week we discussed the multiple types of neighborhoods, and this week we will discuss how to read a map.  Our test for this chapter will be Thursday the 22nd.  Study guides will be sent home today.

Math:  This week we will continue Chapter 2: Place Value.  We will focus on adding four digit numbers and continue to work on problem-solving skills with word problems.  The test for this chapter will be on Monday the 26th.  Study guides will be sent home on Thursday. 

Spelling:  Our first tests will be this week!  Hamsters and Hedgehogs will test tomorrow, Monkeys and Mice on Wednesday, and Lions on Thursday.  New sorts will come home this week, and the students will have two weeks to work with these words before testing again.
Have a great week! 

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