
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weekly Update - Feb. 8th

Looking Ahead:

Math- We are starting Ch. 9 in Math, which is learning the properties for multiplication and division, and writing equations.  The big property that we will be learning is the Distributive Property.  

Guided Reading - We will begin looking at poetry this week.  We are looking at how poetry is written, what the author is trying to teach us through the poem, and as looking deeper into the meaning of a poem and answering questions about the poem.  We are also going to be focusing on Point of View during our Guided Reading groups - what is the point of view of the author, the characters, the reader, and how they might be different or the same.

Writer's Workshop - We are finishing up our unit on Opinion Writing this week.  The students completed their final drafts of their speeches, and will give their speeches to the rest of third grade soon.  We will even have a podium for them to use when giving their speeches!  :)  This week, students will work in groups to support a certain cause.  They will write a speech as a groups to support their opinion about this cause.  

Science - We will take our Ch. 6 test on Tuesday over Clouds and the Water Cycle.  This was a short, but fun, chapter.  

Social Studies - We will begin Ch. 7 this week on how citizens work together in a community for the greater good of all.  This is also a short chapter.

PRISM - During our last Reading Unit, students worked in Research Groups to find out as much information about an animal as they could.  They took notes, used more than one text, and came up with different facts they wanted to teach their class.  The students will now work in their Research Groups to create a PRISM project with all of the information they learned.  They are doing a portfolio project for PRISM.  These projects will be completed in class!  The PRISM projects will be on display at our Makers Fair on Thursday, Feb. 18th.

News to Share:

Box Top Challenge
We are collecting Box Tops to support the iDiscover outdoor learning space. One of our goals at Concord is to utilize the spaces around us for creative learning and that includes the outdoors. We would like to make some updates to our current garden which would include an outdoor classroom!! So spread the word to neighbors, grandparents, and other family members to save all of their Box Tops. 

Group Pictures
Interstate will be here on Thursday, Feb 11th to photograph all the groups/clubs at Concord.
We will be photographing the following groups:
·       Concord Flyer Choir
·       Strings
·       Chess Club
·       Girls on the Run
·       Running Club
·       Read, Right, Run
·       Girl Scouts (Juniors, Brownies, Daisies)
·       Boy Scouts (Webelos II, Webelos I, Bears, Wolves, Tigers)

Also on that day, we will be taking head and shoulders photos of any new students that were enrolled after picture day.

Candy Grams-"Garden Love"
We will be selling Candy Grams this week during the lunch hour on Tuesday –Thursday for $0.25 each.  Please send money in an envelope marked "Candy Grams", and your child will take their money to lunch to purchase their candy grams. Funds raised will go to the garden.

Cardinals Concord Night
Concord Night at Busch Stadium will be  Wednesday, April 13, 7:10 p.m. Concord Flyer Choir sings at 6:50 p.m. behind home plate.

Tickets are $16 each.  Deadline for ordering is March 9.  Checks are made payable to Concord Elementary.   All sales are final.  Tickets will be ready for pick-up the week of March 14 in the Concord office.

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