
Friday, January 22, 2016

Ability Awareness Day

Our opening session we crumbled up paper.  Then, we said "sorry" to the paper.  After that, the kiddos were asked to make their paper look like it did at the beginning.  Could they do it?  No!  Sometimes saying "sorry" doesn't fix unkind/hurtful words! 

Ask your kiddo - "What did this activity teach you?"

Our second session was with Molly Hunter, an occupational therapist.  She talked to us about items kids might need for sitting, eating, talking, walking, or focusing.  She brought items for kiddos to look at and try!

Ask - "What did you learn from Miss Molly?"

Elena demonstrating a weighted lap pad - helps with calming and focus.

Mandy demonstrating a weighted vest - calming and focus

Blake demonstrating a weighted blanket - calming

Mason demonstrating a wiggle seat - focus

Ways to communicate when speaking is a struggle.

Items used to help with feeding yourself.

Different chairs for kids who need help sitting or with balance.

Different tools for making writing easier.

Items used to help with walking.

Our third session was learning about TASK - they take every day activities and games and modify them  so children with special needs can play and participate.  They talked to us about hi keg about what a person CAN do and not what they can't do!

Ask - "Why is a program like TASK sooo important to kids with different abilities?"

Dr. Bradley led our final session.  He's an orthopedic doctor.  He shared with the class how he lost his leg, talked to us about amputees, and prosthetics.

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