
Friday, January 29, 2016

Happy (summer) Birthday Blake!!!!

Mystery Reader - Jotham's Mom

Thanks for visiting us today and sharing with us the great book "If You Are So Smart Why Can't You Spell Mississippi?"  This book is about different abilities, which goes perfectly with what we have been learning about lately!  This book was about Dyslexia, and how having Dyslexia doesn't mean you are not smart.  The kiddos we excited to hear about the different famous people who have different abilities, and how they still achieved their goals and became great things!  What a great story to story to share!  Thanks for coming to our class today! 😀

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Snow Ball Activity

Groups read a Time for Kids article together.  Then, on their own, they had to write something interesting they learned. After that, we had a snow ball fight to share what we learned!  Ask your kiddos about our snow ball fight!

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Welcome to Our 2 New Friends!!!

Mackenzie (right) joined us on Jan. 5th, and Sammy (left) joined us on Jan. 26th!  Welcome girls!!!  We are excited to spend the rest of the year with you!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Weekly Update - Jan. 25, 2016

A GLANCE At our week:

Writing - We are working on writing three paragraphs to support our thesis statement, and using research to help our opinions.  

Reading - We are continuing to look at more than one form of research to gather information about a topic and subtopics.  We are also learning how to take notes about our topics and subtopics.

Guided Reading Groups - We are focusing on the difference between theme and main idea.  We are identifying the theme of the texts we are reading together, and then finding details from the text to support the theme we identified.  

Math - We are using different strategies when multiplying and dividing by 6, 7, 8, and 9.  We are also working on paying attention to what the directions are asking us.  We can not just write an answer when the directions say to write a multiplication sentence, or to use a strategy to solve.  This is very important - paying attention to the directions!!!

Science - We are taking our test on Ecosystems tomorrow.  We will begin Ch. 6, The Water Cycle and Clouds, on Wednesday.


  • Tuesday, Jan. 26 - PTG State of the District Address - 7:00 p.m.
  • Friday, Jan. 29 - Family BINGO @ Truman - Doors open 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m. BINGO begins
  • It is not too late to participate in PRISM. For the PRISM information, go to the Lindbergh School District homepage, and go to either Students or Programs in the drop down menu. You will see "PRISM". When you click on that link.  You can download an entry form, a box order form, or the PRISM booklet. Just submit the Entry form and order a box by next week. PRISM projects are due on Tuesday, Feb. 16. They will be on display at the Concord Maker's Fair night, Feb. 18 from 3:30-6. PRISM projects will receive a certificate and a grade.

Leader of the Week - Jotham

Theme vs. Main Idea

Friday, January 22, 2016

Ability Awareness Day

Our opening session we crumbled up paper.  Then, we said "sorry" to the paper.  After that, the kiddos were asked to make their paper look like it did at the beginning.  Could they do it?  No!  Sometimes saying "sorry" doesn't fix unkind/hurtful words! 

Ask your kiddo - "What did this activity teach you?"

Our second session was with Molly Hunter, an occupational therapist.  She talked to us about items kids might need for sitting, eating, talking, walking, or focusing.  She brought items for kiddos to look at and try!

Ask - "What did you learn from Miss Molly?"

Elena demonstrating a weighted lap pad - helps with calming and focus.

Mandy demonstrating a weighted vest - calming and focus

Blake demonstrating a weighted blanket - calming

Mason demonstrating a wiggle seat - focus

Ways to communicate when speaking is a struggle.

Items used to help with feeding yourself.

Different chairs for kids who need help sitting or with balance.

Different tools for making writing easier.

Items used to help with walking.

Our third session was learning about TASK - they take every day activities and games and modify them  so children with special needs can play and participate.  They talked to us about hi keg about what a person CAN do and not what they can't do!

Ask - "Why is a program like TASK sooo important to kids with different abilities?"

Dr. Bradley led our final session.  He's an orthopedic doctor.  He shared with the class how he lost his leg, talked to us about amputees, and prosthetics.

Mystery Reader - Gus's Dad

Thanks soooo much for reading us the awesome true story "Granite" today!  We enjoyed the story very much!  We also liked the story of why Gus's grandma bought this book for him and his brother when they visited Alaska.  The note she wrote was very sweet, and even made me cry!  The lesson of "Granite" is a great one!  Thanks again!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Friday, January 15, 2016

Mystery Reader - Hannah's Mom

Thanks for coming today and sharing with us the true story about SUE the dinosaur.  The kiddos especially enjoyed the pictures you brought of Hannah at The Field Museum in Chicago with SUE.  We really appreciate you telling us all about how they found SUE, and about her life.  This was very interesting!  Maybe we can take a field trip to Chicago to see SUE!  ðŸ˜œ

Monday, January 11, 2016

Leader of the Week - Blake

Weekly Update - January 11 - 15


Welcome back! It showed that everyone had a refreshing and relaxing winter break, because the kiddos came back ready to learn on Monday. On Thursday we had a hat day to raise money for the flooding victims in our district.  I am sooo proud of these Concord kiddos and their generous hearts!  We collected over $100 in our classroom, $4,314 from all of Concord, and $9, 773 as a district!  Awesome job!


  • In reading we are continuing to focus on researching, and using more than one text to get the information we need. 
  • In math we are finishing our chapter on multiplication and division, and will take our test on Thursday.
  • In Science, we are learning more about Ecosystems and Habitats.  We will also learn waht producers and consumers are, as well as omnivores, carnivores, and herbivores.
  • In writing, we are learning to write a thesis statement to support an opinion that we have.  We will begin writing a persuasive speech to support our opinion.  We will be using research to help us.
  • Spelling tests will be next week.  Your child's specific test date was included on the purple note that came home with their spelling sorts on Tuesday, Jan. 5th.  If you are not sure when your child's test is, please let me know.


  • Book Orders are due tomorrow, Jan. 12th

  • Lindbergh's All District Musical "THE LION KING Jr" will be presented next week Tuesday through Friday at LHS Auditorium. There will be 2 shows each night at 6 pm and at 8 pm. Here is the LION KING PERFORMANCE SCHEDULE so you can see which present/former students are participating and the nights they will be onstage or working behind the scenes to make the show a huge success. Hope you can make it! The kids are having a blast and the show is AWESOME!! 
    Thanks! Mike Tyler
    More info available on our blog:
  • Early Release is this Wed., Jan. 13th.  Dismissal begins at 1:40.
  • Math Ch. 7 Test will be Thursday, Jan. 14th  
  • Sign up for Concord's Text Messages on Jan. 14
    This Thursday, Jan. 14, Lindbergh Schools will send an invitation text message to all parents inviting you to sign up for important text notifications from the district and Dr. Moehlmann. You must reply YES to the invitation message in order to receive future text notifications. This will replace Remind 101 for building-level text messages, so it is important to reply YES, in order to continue receiving notifications. The district will also use text messaging for emergency districtwide notifications or school closures (ex. snow days). For more information, please visit and click "School Messenger" under the Parents tab.
  • There will be No school on Monday, Jan. 18th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday
  • Ability Awareness Day (More info to come) will be Friday, Jan. 22nd 
  • Save the Date:  Thursday, Feb. 18 - Concord Maker's Fair
    • 3rd grade students can participate in a variety of ways:
      • PRISM project - You can find the PRISM book on the Lindbergh Website under either the Programs or the Students dropdown. You just need to submit a proposal. You can order a PRISM box for $3.00. You can send your proposal to Mrs. Strebler ( and she will send a form back to order  box. ALL projects will be on display at the Maker's Fair. Participants get a certificate and a Prism.
      • Animal Expo sheet - Students will receive an Animal Expo sheet and will be encouraged to research and draw their favorite animal. These will also be on display and every participant will receive a certificate. I would love to see full participation from our class!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Mystery Reader - Sam's Dad

Thanks sooo much for reading "The Lorax" to us today!!!  We really enjoyed the book, and hopefully learned an important lesson too!