
Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekly Update 11/16 - 11/20


I wanted to thank everyone who was able to join us this morning for our Book Launch Celebration!  The students were sooo excited to share their books with their families.  They worked super hard, and the books really turned out awesome!  We have some great authors in third grade!  As soon as the books are graded, I will send them home.  Thanks again for coming today!

Weekly Update 11/16 - 11/20

This week in Reading we are continuing to focus on the characters in our stories, and asking ourselves WHY the character is acting that way, or speaking that way.  We are moving from saying "That character is nice" to asking "Why do we think that character is nice?"  We are digging deeper!

In Writing, we are taking everything we learned in this unit about informational writing, and will write about another non-fiction topic.  The exciting thing is the students will be working in groups to research their topics, and to create a poster for their topics to present to the class.  They will write their own papers though.  This writing will not be a book like you all saw today, but will be more like a short paper.  ***Be on the look-out ~ Personal Narratives will be coming down from the hallway, and will come home this week!***

In Math this week we are looking at division (Ch. 5).  We will learn strategies for how to divide, just like we did with multiplication.  We will also go over fact families for multiplication and division.  This chapter is short just like Ch. 4.  We will review next Monday, and test on Tuesday before Thanksgiving break.

Spelling tests are this week.  We will not have another spelling sort to study until after Winter Break.  The test schedule is below:
  • Hamsters and Hedgehogs are Tomorrow
  • Monkeys and Mice are Wednesday
  • Lions and Lizards are Thursday
We will begin Ch. 5 in Science this week.  We will be learning about food chains, food webs, and the different Ecosystems.  Since the students really enjoyed, and did a great job with Science Stations, we will continue that with this chapter as well.  


Tuesday, Nov. 17 - PTG Meeting in the Concord Library - 7 p.m.
  • General information about all the exciting events being offered by our PTG and to learn about all of the exciting lessons going on in our library Makerspace. Students will be leading sessions on Osmo, legos, coding, and snap circuits.
Wednesday, Nov. 18 - Early Release - Dismissal at 1:40 p.m.

Wednesday-Friday, Nov. 25-27 - No School - Thanksgiving break!

Giving Tree 2015
Our giving tree is a wonderful opportunity for you to provide clothing, toys, gifts, and gift cards specific to our Helping Hands families. Click this link to our digital Giving Tree to learn more. There are still lots of spots available.

Helping Hands Week 3: Cleaning Products
You are doing an amazing job of supporting our Helping Hands project! Please bring in items such as bleach, window cleaner, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, sponges, disinfeting wipes, etc. Thank you!

Winter Festival: Teacher Raffle
Here is the document for the exciting teacher raffle. Feel free to download and print additional tickets to win lunch with a Concord Staff member.

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