
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Magic House Field Trip

The students applied for jobs at the Magic House last week.  They were hired this week for one of the jobs they applied for.  Today, we went to the Magic House where they were put to work, earned a paycheck, had to cash their paychecks, and were given "break time" from their jobs to spend some of their money.  At the end, they worked with those that were in the same job as them to create a monthly budget for their "family".  It was a fun morning!  Thanks to our parents who helped out on the field trip.

Serah, Raquel, and Caroline worked at the Market.

Kate, Noah, and Gunner (plus other kiddos in 4th grade) worked at the Post Office.

Peyton and Kaden worked at the Electric Company.

Nate, Cadence, and Aislyn worked at the bank.

Michael, Thomas, and Jack worked at the Ranger Station.

Hunter, Armin, and Alen worked at the Service Station.

Kaybree, Isabella, and Rose worked at the Pizza Parlor.

Destiny, Alex, and Riza worked at the hospital.

Hannah, Gwen, and Jillian worked at the Pet Clinic.

Thanks Mr. Otte!

Thanks Mr. Hrach!

Thanks Mr. Kabiri!

Thanks Mrs. McRoy!

Thanks Mr. Russell!

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