
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Book Clubs

We are excited to share that we are starting Book Clubs as a part of our current reading unit about Characters.  Each group was given books to choose from, and as a group they had to decide on the book for their group.  

We also talked about Book Club expectations:
1. You decide on how much to read, and then read that amount independently.
2.  You meet the next day, after reading your assigned pages, and discuss what you read, what you know about your characters, why is your character acting a certain way, make predictions about your character...
3.  Then, you decide on how much to read again, and then go read independently.  If they don't finish their assigned reading at school, it will become homework.

The students are sooo excited about reading their books and talking with their friends about what they are reading!  Yea!!

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