
Friday, October 23, 2015

Weekly Update for the Week Oct. 26th

Weekly Update:

We are continuing to do research for our information books.  I am really excited to see how these books are coming together, and can't wait to share them with you!  Be on the look-out for a note to come home soon inviting you to our classroom for our Book Launch!

We are still looking at non-fiction texts, and how we can read and learn from them better.  We have been looking at text features, pausing while reading to summarize, main idea and details, and how we can read with expression to engage ourselves in the information being read.

New spelling sorts came home this week.  Out tests will be the week of Nov. 2nd.  

We will begin multiplication next week by learning the strategies of how to multiply.  We will focus on learning the strategies, understanding how to multiply, and how to apply the strategies.  We will NOT just jump right in and start trying to memorize facts!  Students need to know how first, and then we will begin working on multiplying fluently.  Multiplication is NOT just memorizing facts!

We are continuing with Science Stations next week with Lesson 2 of Ch. 4.  One station will be with me, reading and discussing the lesson pages.  The second station will be watching a Brainpop video on the Butterfly Life Cycle and then completing the life cycle ourselves.  The third station will be reading about young antelopes and adult antelopes and how they are alike and different.  Then they will complete a Venn Diagram about the antelopes.

Genius Hour:
We will have our second Genius Hour day on Tuesday, Oct. 27th.  This is the day your child will decide their PASSION they want to work on.  Maybe you can talk with your kiddo this weekend to discuss their ideas/passions.

  • ALEKS or Frontrow minutes are due on Monday, Oct. 26th, as well as our Weekly Reading Logs.
  • Cookie Dough orders are due Monday, Oct. 26th.
  • Parent Teacher Conferences are 10/26 and 10/28.  A reminder note with your day and time are coming home today.
  • Leader Binders are in back packs to look at with your child over the weekend.  PLEASE take a look at all of the First Quarter Goals and Reflections.  The students did some self-evaluations that are in the Reflection section.  We also set a new goal for the Second Quarter.  Please make sure to discuss the goals and reflections with your kiddo, and leave a comment on the front purple sheet.  Thanks!
  • Fall Festival is Thursday, Oct. 29th.  Costumes need to be brought to school NOT worn.  We will change at school.  On this day we will have the Pumpkin Run, Mad Science, Buddies, and our Halloween Party.  Thanks to Cece's mom for being our Party Coordinator, and to everyone else who signed up to help!

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