
Sunday, March 31, 2019

Weekly Update: April 1-5

Weekly Update

Important Reminders:
  • PLEASE practice multiplication facts!  The students need to really know them quickly, and without having to use strategies to solve them.  We will be starting multi-digit multiplication and long division soon, and having those multiplication facts memorized will be a HUGE help!  On Google Classroom (just log in with your child's username and password, then save that to your computer, and you will then have access whenever) I put some multiplication websites and game directions under the "classwork" tab and then under the "Websites" topic.  Thanks for your help with practicing these facts!
  • Please remember to check, and initial, your child's planner every night.  Homework and important notes are written in the planner daily.  Thanks for your help with this!
  • Please send a snack with your child that is NUT FREE every day, as we do not eat lunch until 12:10.  Thanks!

Important Dates to Remember:
  • April 1-5 - Leader of the Week = Gunner
  • April 3 - Early Release and Ability Awareness 
  • April 4 - Concord Fun Run
  • April 6 - Caroline's Birthday
  • April 7 - Kate's Birthday
  • April 8-12 - Leader of the Week = Nate
  • April 16 - Cadence's Birthday
  • April 19 - NO School
  • April 22 - We DO have school - snow day makeup day
  • April 29 - May 3 - Leader of the Week = Serah

MAP Testing Dates:
  • MAP ELA  - April 29, May 1, and May 2.  We will test first thing in the morning (9:00) until 11:00/11:30, depending on the test.  
  • MAP Math - May 6 and May 8.  We will test during the same time frame as the ELA tests.  

Check Out What We Are Learning This Week:

We began our Poetry Unit last Wednesday.  We spent a few days coming up with idea for poems using our senses, our memories, our thoughts, and our feelings.  On Monday, we will review how to write a narrative piece using a given prompt.  I will use the narratives that the students write to pull groups for more instruction during the week, while they are independently working on their poetry.  On Tuesday - Friday, we will learn how to use imagery in our poems, how to use line breaks to shape the meaning of a poem, and how to write a Quatrain Poem.  

This week we will focus on commas, and how to use them to make our writing more clear.  We will also focus on using commas to format dates, locations, professional titles, and lists of items  .After the minilessons on these topics, the students will be using for more practice and an assessment.  

We will continue to work on test prep - how good readers read and scan a text, look at the questions before reading the text, underlining answers in the text to help us when we get to the questions, trying to predict questions that might be asked based on the skills we have learned so far this year, looking for common test language as we read, and reading between the lines to infer about characters.  This is not only good practice for a test, but also as a great reminder for our every day reading.  

Read Aloud:
This week we will continue reading another of my favorite read alouds, Among the Hidden.   This is the first book out of seven in the Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson.  This is a book about a fictional future in which drastic measures have been taken to stop overpopulation.  My students loved this book last year, and could not wait to read the rest of the series on their own.  I do have the entire series for our classroom library that I will get out for them once I finish the first book.  

We will begin Ch. 14: Geometry.  In this chapter we will learn how to draw points, lines, and rays, drawing perpendicular and parallel lines, modeling angles, classifying angles, drawing angles, measuring angles, solving problems with angles, triangles, quadrilaterals, and drawing lines of symmetry.  This chapter has A LOT of vocabulary.  I will send home the vocab cards on Monday for this chapter.  Please make sure you keep them some place safe so that you can study them throughout the chapter, and before the test.  Our test will be Thursday, April 18.  The study guide is on our Google Classroom.  

***Knowing your multiplication facts is extremely important as we move forward in math, so keep practicing those facts!  We will continue to practice multi-digit multiplication and long division.

***In order for students to show mastery with a standard, they will be doing "Check-ins" throughout the year to show that they didn't just memorize the skills for the test, but that they retained the skills, thus showing mastery.  My goal with the check-ins is to make sure that the 4th grade Math Standards are mastered by all students by the end of the year! ***

ALL Students were given their current sorts on Tuesday, March 26.  We will test over these sorts on Friday, April 5.  

We will continue to have sight word tests, however they will be every other week so that the students are only taking one "spelling" test a week.  Our next sight word test will be on Friday, April 12th.   Remember these are the words that do not follow a pattern, and need to be memorized.  Students will need to not only spell the words correctly, but be able to read them in order to "pass" this group of words.  

We are completing another Mystery Science Unit: Energizing Everything.  In this unit we will learn about energy, motion, and electricity.   This unit will encourage students to think about the energy that things need to move.  Students will explore how energy makes things go, from powering vehicles to moving one's body.  Students will experiment with rubber band racers to discover the relationship between how much energy is stored in a material and how much is released.  They will investigate the role that hills play in making roller coasters move and the energy transfer that happens when two objects collide.  Students will realize that thinking about the world in terms of energy helps them make sense of how and why things speed up and slow down.  Hands-on activities focus on engineering, testing hypotheses, and using results to develop their ideas.

 Have a GREAT Week!

Friday, March 29, 2019

Mystery Reader - Thomas’s Grandpa

Thanks to Thomas’s grandpa for coming and reading to us today!  He shared the book “The Long Winter” by Laura Ingalls Wilder with us!  We loved the story, especially hearing how different school was in the 1900’s than it is now!  Also, imagining having to walk home from school during a snow storm like Laura did was pretty interesting too.  Thanks so much for coming to visit us today!

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Bumper Coasters

In order to answer the question What makes roller coasters go so fast? we explored how energy can be stored as height.  In this activity, they investigated how hills give roller coasters energy by experimenting with a model “bumper coaster.”

Roller Racers

We explored how energy can make things go.  Students experimented with rubber-band cars to figure out how much energy the cars need to end up in the “sweet spot.”

Outside Using Our Senses to Gather Ideas for Our Poetry

Monday, March 25, 2019

Weekly Update: March 25 - 29

Weekly Update

Important Reminders:
  • Concord Expo is Tuesday, March 26.  Please make sure you check out the 4th Grade Expert Fair when you come to the Expo.  
  • PLEASE practice multiplication facts!  The students need to really know them quickly, and without having to use strategies to solve them.  We will be starting multi-digit multiplication and long division soon, and having those multiplication facts memorized will be a HUGE help!  On Google Classroom (just log in with your child's username and password, then save that to your computer, and you will then have access whenever) I put some multiplication websites and game directions under the "classwork" tab and then under the "Websites" topic.  Thanks for your help with practicing these facts!
  • Please remember to check, and initial, your child's planner every night.  Homework and important notes are written in the planner daily.  Thanks for your help with this!
  • Please send a snack with your child that is NUT FREE every day, as we do not eat lunch until 12:10.  Thanks!

Important Dates to Remember:
  • March 25-29 - Leader of the Week = Jack
  • March 26 - Concord Expo
  • March 29 - Mystery Reader
  • April 1-5 - Leader of the Week = Gunner
  • April 3 - Early Release and Ability Awareness 
  • April 4 - Concord Fun Run
  • April 6 - Caroline's Birthday
  • April 7 - Kate's Birthday
  • April 8-12 - Leader of the Week = Nate
  • April 16 - Cadence's Birthday
  • April 19 - NO School
  • April 22 - We DO have school - snow day makeup day
  • April 29 - May 3 - Leader of the Week = Serah

MAP Testing Dates:
  • MAP ELA  - April 29, May 1, and May 2.  We will test first thing in the morning (9:00) until 11:00/11:30, depending on the test.  
  • MAP Math - May 6 and May 8.  We will test during the same time frame as the ELA tests.  

Check Out What We Are Learning This Week:

We completed our Information pieces, and we are finishing up our posters and SeeSaw videos for the Expert Fair.  We will begin our Test Prep Unit on Wednesday.  In this unit, students will be given a prompt to write about using one of the types of writing we learned this year; opinion, narrative, and informational.  We will go over how to use FAT-P when answering a prompt, as well as how to draft, edit, and publish in one sitting.  

This week we will continue focusing on compound and complex sentences.  After the minilessons on these topics, the students will be using for more practice and an assessment.  

We will begin our poetry unit this week.  In this unit, students will learn how to write poetry, as well as how to identify what a poem is about using evidence from the poem.  

Read Aloud:
This week we will continue reading another of my favorite read alouds, Among the Hidden.   This is the first book out of seven in the Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson.  This is a book about a fictional future in which drastic measures have been taken to stop overpopulation.  My students loved this book last year, and could not wait to read the rest of the series on their own.  I do have the entire series for our classroom library that I will get out for them once I finish the first book.  

We will continue with Ch. 13: Perimeter and Area.  In this chapter, the students will learn how to measure perimeter, how to model and measure area, and how to relate perimeter and area.  We will also learn how to use a frequency table, as well as how to read and create a bar graph.  Our test will be Friday, March 29.  The study guide for this chapter is on our Google Classroom.

***Knowing your multiplication facts is extremely important as we move forward in math, so keep practicing those facts!  We will continue to practice multi-digit multiplication and long division.

***In order for students to show mastery with a standard, they will be doing "Check-ins" throughout the year to show that they didn't just memorize the skills for the test, but that they retained the skills, thus showing mastery.  My goal with the check-ins is to make sure that the 4th grade Math Standards are mastered by all students by the end of the year! ***

ALL Students will be given their new sorts on Tuesday, March 26.  We will test over these sorts on Friday, April 5.  

We will continue to have sight word tests, however they will be every other week so that the students are only taking one "spelling" test a week.  Our next sight word test will be on Friday, March 29th.   Remember these are the words that do not follow a pattern, and need to be memorized.  Students will need to not only spell the words correctly, but be able to read them in order to "pass" this group of words.  

We are completing another Mystery Science Unit: Energizing Everything.  In this unit we will learn about energy, motion, and electricity.   This unit will encourage students to think about the energy that things need to move.  Students will explore how energy makes things go, from powering vehicles to moving one's body.  Students will experiment with rubber band racers to discover the relationship between how much energy is stored in a material and how much is released.  They will investigate the role that hills play in making roller coasters move and the energy transfer that happens when two objects collide.  Students will realize that thinking about the world in terms of energy helps them make sense of how and why things speed up and slow down.  Hands-on activities focus on engineering, testing hypotheses, and using results to develop their ideas.

 Have a GREAT Week!

Leader of the Week - Jack

Monday, March 11, 2019

Leader of the Week - Armin

Weekly Update: March 11-15

Weekly Update

Important Reminders:
  • Library is Monday - please plan to return or renew your books.
  • PLEASE practice multiplication facts!  The students need to really know them quickly, and without having to use strategies to solve them.  We will be starting multi-digit multiplication and long division soon, and having those multiplication facts memorized will be a HUGE help!  On Google Classroom (just log in with your child's username and password, then save that to your computer, and you will then have access whenever) I put some multiplication websites and game directions under the "classwork" tab and then under the "Websites" topic.  Thanks for your help with practicing these facts!
  • Please remember to check, and initial, your child's planner every night.  Homework and important notes are written in the planner daily.  Thanks for your help with this!
  • Please send a snack with your child that is NUT FREE every day, as we do not eat lunch until 12:10.  Thanks!

Important Dates to Remember:
  • March 11-15 - Leader of the Week = Armin
  • March 15 - Mystery Reader
  • March 13-15 - I will be out for a minor surgery.  Mrs. Hoffman will be the guest teacher for these 3 days.  She is great!
  • March 18-22 - Spring Break
  • March 25 - School resumes
  • March 25-29 - Leader of the Week = Jack
  • March 26 - Concord Expo
  • March 29 - Mystery Reader

MAP Testing Dates:
  • MAP ELA  - April 29, May 1, and May 2.  We will test first thing in the morning (9:00) until 11:00/11:30, depending on the test.  
  • MAP Math - May 6 and May 8.  We will test during the same time frame as the ELA tests.  

Check Out What We Are Learning This Week:

We will continue with Unit 3:Bringing History to Life.  This week, we will continue to draft the chapters for our Information Pieces.   While the students are drafting this week, I will pull groups to work on headings and subheadings, elaborating, transitions, introductions and closings, and the organization of their pieces.  The students will take what they learned from the first piece in this unit, as well as from the small group instruction, to complete this piece independently.  We will showcase this piece, and what the students learned about their topics, at the Concord Expo Night.  More info will come regarding this event.

This week we will be focusing on compound and complex sentences.  After the minilessons on these topics, the students will be using for more practice and an assessment.  

We will continue with Unit 3: Reading History: The American Revolution.  We have moved on from reading and learning about the American Revolution, and are now learning skills and strategies for any informational text.  We will be focusing on making inferences while reading non-fiction and fiction, as well as comparing information from different texts about the same topic.

Read Aloud:
This week we will continue reading another of my favorite read alouds, Among the Hidden.   This is the first book out of seven in the Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson.  This is a book about a fictional future in which drastic measures have been taken to stop overpopulation.  My students loved this book last year, and could not wait to read the rest of the series on their own.  I do have the entire series for our classroom library that I will get out for them once I finish the first book.  

We will continue with Ch. 12:  Metric Measurement this week.  In this chapter, we will learn metric units of length, metric units of mass, metric units of capacity, converting metric measurements, and solving measurement word problems.  Our Ch. 12 test is scheduled for Thursday, March 14th.  The study guide is on Google Classroom, as well as a conversion chart.   We will begin Ch. 13: Perimeter and Area on Friday, and will finish the chapter after Spring Break.

***Knowing your multiplication facts is extremely important as we move forward in math, so keep practicing those facts!  We will continue to practice multi-digit multiplication and long division.

***In order for students to show mastery with a standard, they will be doing "Check-ins" throughout the year to show that they didn't just memorize the skills for the test, but that they retained the skills, thus showing mastery.  My goal with the check-ins is to make sure that the 4th grade Math Standards are mastered by all students by the end of the year! ***

ALL Students were given their new sorts on Friday, March 1st.  We will test over these sorts on Friday, March 15th.  New sorts will come home after Spring break, and the next Sort test will be in April.

We will continue to have sight word tests, however they will be every other week so that the students are only taking one "spelling" test a week.  Our next sight word test will be on Friday, March 29th.   Remember these are the words that do not follow a pattern, and need to be memorized.  Students will need to not only spell the words correctly, but be able to read them in order to "pass" this group of words.  

Last week we began our investigations of Matter during six different Matter Stations.  We are finishing these stations on Monday and Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we will begin our Mystery Science Unit: Waves of Sound.  In this unit, the students will develop the idea that sound is an actual thing, a wave of vibrations traveling  through the air.  Equipped with this understanding, students can begin to to make sense of how sound and music work.  

 Have a GREAT Week!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Mystery Reader - Jillian’s Dad

Thanks to Jillian’s dad for being our Mystery Reader today, and for sharing the book National Parks Guide USA.  He read about some of his favorite National Parks that they have visited as a family.  He shared with us about Yosemite National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Big Bend National Park, Yellowstone National Park, Redwood National Park, and Crater Lake National Park.  He also shared about Joshua Tree National Park that they are visiting over spring break.  We loved hearing about these amazing places!  Thanks for sharing this book with us, and for answering ALL of the questions!

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Weekly Update: March 4-8

Weekly Update

Important Reminders:
  • Book Orders are due Monday, March 4.
  • We have a 1/2 day of school on Thursday & No School on Friday
  • Extra PE for returning ALL Jump Rope for Heart permission slips first out of the whole 4th grade is Monday.
  • PLEASE practice multiplication facts!  The students need to really know them quickly, and without having to use strategies to solve them.  We will be starting multi-digit multiplication and long division soon, and having those multiplication facts memorized will be a HUGE help!  On Google Classroom (just log in with your child's username and password, then save that to your computer, and you will then have access whenever) I put some multiplication websites and game directions under the "classwork" tab and then under the "Websites" topic.  Thanks for your help with practicing these facts!
  • Please remember to check, and initial, your child's planner every night.  Homework and important notes are written in the planner daily.  Thanks for your help with this!
  • Please send a snack with your child that is NUT FREE every day, as we do not eat lunch until 12:10.  Thanks!

Important Dates to Remember:
  • March 4 - Book Orders are due
  • March 5 - Father and Daughter Dance at Concord
  • March 6 - Growth & Development Videos
  • March 7 - 3rd Quarter Ends & Half Day of School
  • March 8 - No School - Professional Dev. for teachers
  • March 11-15 - Leader of the Week = Armin
  • March 15 - Mystery Reader
  • March 13-15 - I will be out for a minor surgery.  Mrs. Stevens (she has been an SSD Para in our building for years, and just finished her student teaching with Mrs. Goedde) will be the guest teacher for these 3 days.  She is awesome!
  • March 18-22 - Spring Break
  • March 25 - School resumes
  • March 25-29 - Leader of the Week = Jack
  • March 26 - Concord Expo
  • March 29 - Mystery Reader

MAP Testing Dates:
  • MAP ELA  - April 29, May 1, and May 2.  We will test first thing in the morning (9:00) until 11:00/11:30, depending on the test.  
  • MAP Math - May 6 and May 8.  We will test during the same time frame as the ELA tests.  

Check Out What We Are Learning This Week:

We will continue with Unit 3:Bringing History to Life.  This week, the students will use the research they gathered to continue drafting the chapters for their information pieces.  The students came up with some great topics, and focus topics.   While the students are drafting this week, I will pull groups to work on headings and subheadings, elaborating, transitions, introductions and closings, and the organization of their pieces.  The students will take what they learned from the first piece in this unit, as well as from the small group instruction, to complete this piece independently.  We will showcase this piece, and what the students learned about their topics, at our 4th Grade Expert Fair.  More info will come regarding this event, including the date and time, asap.  

This week we will be focusing on completing the more assignments on nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.  After the minilessons on these topics, the students will be using for more practice and an assessment.  

We will continue with Unit 3: Reading History: The American Revolution.  We have moved on from reading and learning about the American Revolution, and are now learning skills and strategies for any informational text.  We will be focusing on making inferences while reading non-fiction and fiction, as well as identifying the Author's Purpose of a text.  

Read Aloud:
This week we are beginning another of my favorite read alouds, Among the Hidden.   This is the first book out of seven in the Shadow Children series by Margaret Peterson.  This is a book about a fictional future in which drastic measures have been taken to stop overpopulation.  My students loved this book last year, and could not wait to read the rest of the series on their own.  I do have the entire series for our classroom library that I will get out for them once I finish the first book.  

We will be testing over Ch. 11: Customary Measurement on Monday, March 4.  We will begin Ch. 12:  Metric Measurement on Tuesday.  In this chapter, we will learn metric units of length, metric units of mass, metric units of capacity, converting metric measurements, and solving measurement word problems.  Our Ch. 12 test is scheduled for Thursday, March 14th.  The study guide will be on Google Classroom ASAP, and I will email to let you know when it is.  

***Knowing your multiplication facts is extremely important as we move forward in math, so keep practicing those facts!  We will continue to practice multi-digit multiplication and long division.

***In order for students to show mastery with a standard, they will be doing "Check-ins" throughout the year to show that they didn't just memorize the skills for the test, but that they retained the skills, thus showing mastery.  My goal with the check-ins is to make sure that the 4th grade Math Standards are mastered by all students by the end of the year! ***

ALL Students were given their new sorts on Friday, March 1st.  We will test over these sorts on Friday, March 15th.

We will continue to have sight word tests, however they will be every other week so that the students are only taking one "spelling" test a week.  Our next sight word test will be on Thursday, March 7th.   Remember these are the words that do not follow a pattern, and need to be memorized.  Students will need to not only spell the words correctly, but be able to read them in order to "pass" this group of words.  

Last week we began our investigations of Matter during six different Matter Stations.  We are finishing these stations on Monday and Tuesday.  On Wednesday, we will begin our Mystery Science Unit: Waves of Sound.  In this unit, the students will develop the idea that sound is an actual thing, a wave of vibrations traveling  through the air.  Equipped with this understanding, students can begin to to make sense of how sound and music work.  

 Have a GREAT Week!