
Friday, May 19, 2017

Balloon #5 (for 5/22/17)

Peter popped #5 for us!

Colin shared with the class that we are having a pajama day on Monday!

Balloon #6

Baxter popped #6 this morning.

Caleb shared with the class that we will have a movie day.  However, since the power did not get restored until after 2:00,  we did not get to watch the movie today.  We will watch the movie on Monday instead.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Balloon #7

Hana popped Balloon #7 for us yesterday!

Ryan shared with his friends that they could bring their favorite stuffed animal to school!

ALEKS Completion - Finn

Congratulations Finn on completing your third grade ALEKS PIE!!!!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Balloon #8

Lexi popped Balloon #8!

Maggie shared with her friends that we have Game Day today!  Yippee!!!

Monday, May 15, 2017

Balloon #9 (5/16/17)

Sean popped Balloon #9!

Saanvi showed us we will have HAT DAY tomorrow!

Countdown to Summer

10 more days until Summer Vacation!!!

Irie popped balloon #10!

Chalk Day!!!  We went outside this morning to chalk!  Super fun!

ALEKS Completion

Way to go, Maggie!  Maggie completed her third grade ALEKS PIE!

Weekly Update

May 15th-19th

Hello Families!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:

  • Friday is Fun Day!  Please have your child wear sunscreen and tennis shoes!  We will be outside all morning.
  • Just a reminder to take a look at the email sent last week regarding the last ten days of school!
Writing: This week we will finish our autobiographies!  We are going to focus on writing about special memories, conclusions and we will revise/publish our work!

Reading:  During reading this week we will take time to read autobiographies and biographies in order to gain ideas for our writing!

Math: This week we will work in groups to create our own math board games!  We will use the skills and concepts we have learned throughout the year.

Science: This week we will spend some time doing some STEM activities that tie into our curriculum.  This should be a fun way to end out the year in Science.

Have a great week! 

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Ms. Thompson's Goodbye Party

Thank you for all of your generous donations of money and books!  We were able to get Ms. Thompson a gift card to The Teacher's Lounge, book bins, classroom supplies, and classroom decorations.  We made her a book from the class, and we all signed the book "Oh, The Places You Go" and gave it to her.  We enjoyed some yummy cupcakes as we celebrated Ms. Thompson and said our goodbyes!  We will certainly miss her!  Below are some pics of the celebration and all the items we were able to give to her.  Check your kiddos backpack because she gave each of them a gift as well.

Mrs. Goedde painted this chalkboard sign for her classroom for us!

The book the kiddos made for her.

Mystery Reader - Finn's Grandma

Thanks to Finn's grandma for being so flexible and rescheduling her time with us since we were "flooded out" last week!  We enjoyed the book, "Owl Moon", that she read to us today.  That is such a great book, and the kiddos enjoyed listening to the story!  Thanks for spending some time with us this morning!

ALEKS Completion!

Way to go Ryan!  He completed his 3rd Grade ALEKS PIE!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Weekly Update

May 8th-12th

Hello Families!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:

  • Spelling tests will be THIS week!
  • The Book Fair is today and tomorrow!  We are going today so students can check out what is available.  Feel free to send students with money tomorrow!  Just a reminder, it is "buy one, get one free" and there is tax!
  • Dr. Moehlmann will be emailing you all as soon as she knows if anything will be changing with our day off of school on Friday and/or the end of the year dates.
  • Ms. Thompson's last day and party will be this Thursday.  You may still bring in books and money if you have not done so yet.  I appreciate the help in celebrating her time with us!
Writing: This week we will continue our newest writing unit: Autobiographies!  This week we are going to focus on writing about our families, interests, and special memories.  

Reading:  During reading this week we will take time to read autobiographies and biographies in order to gain ideas for our writing!

Math: Our Ch. 14 math test was today!  We spent some time reviewing the chapter before the test since we had some unexpected days off.  We will spend the rest of the week working on multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number.  We will also do a measurement scavenger hunt.  

Social Studies: This week we will finish up our project for Ch. 4: Community Government.  This project is taking the place of our test.

Science:  This week we will begin Chapter 9: Energy.  We will talk about how shadows are formed and heat energy, including conductors and insulators.  Study guides will be sent home this week!

Have a great week! 

Monday, May 1, 2017

Weekly Update

May 1st-5th

Hello Families!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:

  • MAP testing is officially over!  Woohoo!  To celebrate "putting the MAP to bed" we are wearing our pajamas on Monday!
  • On Tuesday we will be having Junior Achievement.  Volunteers from Panera will be coming to our classroom to teach us about consumers, producers, and money.  The Junior Achievement lesson will be from 9:00-2:15.  We will still have our normal block and lunch time.
  • While I love the idea of using a fidget toy to help with staying focused, there are a few of them that are "toys" and not being used in the correct way.  Yikes!  Concord has put a ban on the fidget spinners.  These are no longer allowed to come to school.  They are being used as "toys" and are causing a lot of distraction.  The other item that is creating a mess, is the slime.  NO more slime can come to school.  Let me know if you have any questions!
  • Thursday will be our Ice Cream party for earning all of our multiplication scoops!  Way to go!  
  • Friday is the good-bye party for Ms. Thompson.  If you still need to send in money or books please do so ASAP.  Thanks for your help!

Writing: This week we will continue our newest writing unit: Autobiographies!  This week we are going to focus on writing about our families, interests, and special memories.  

Reading:  During reading this week we will take time to read autobiographies and biographies in order to gain ideas for our writing!

Math:  We are reviewing again today for the Ch. 14 test.  Our test will be Wednesday.  Please use the study guide that will come home today to review this chapter with your kiddos.  Thanks!

Social Studies:   We are working on our project to complete Ch. 4.  The students are having fun learning about all of the different National Parks, Monuments, Memorials, and Places in the United States.

Have a great week! 

We Put the MAP Test to Bed!!!!

Hip, Hip, Hooray!  Testing is over and we are celebrating with a pajama day!

Happy Birthday Saanvi!

Design Thinking

The students were each given a piece of colored paper.  The only directions I gave them was to tear the paper.  They could tear it however they wanted.  Then, I put them into groups, gave them white paper, and told them to create a picture with all of the pieces.  They had to work together to use ALL of the pieces of torn paper.  Check out the process and final products below!