
Monday, April 24, 2017

Weekly Update

April 24th- April 28th

Hello Families!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:

  • Thank you to everyone who has brought in money and books for Ms. Thompson and our goodbye party for her.  I attached the letter that came home last week to the email for this blog update.
  • MAP Testing Dates:  
                 **Thursday morning we will begin the math section of MAP testing                      at 9 am.  Please make sure your child arrives to school on time!                         We will test MAP Math on Thursday and Friday.

Important Dates to Remember:
  1. May 2 - Junior Achievement for Grades 3-5
  2. May 8-9 Buy One Get One Scholastic Book Fair
  3. May 11 - DOC Mother's Day Luncheon
  4. May 12 - NO SCHOOL - Professional Dev. Day for teachers
  5. May 17 - Last Day of LEAP for 3rd Grade
  6. May 19 - Fun Day
  7. May 22 - Fun Day Make-up Day
  8. May 23 - Read A Thon at 2:00
  9. May 25 - End of the Year Parties
  10. May 26 - LAST Day of School - dismissal at 11:50
Check Out What We Are Learning:

Writing: This week we will begin a new writing unit: Autobiographies!  We are going to begin writing about important events, family members, pets, etc. in our lives that would be beneficial to include in an autobiography.

Reading:  This week we will take time to read autobiographies and biographies in order to gain ideas for our writing!

Math: We will focus on quadrilaterals and partitioning shapes. Our test will be on Thursday, May 4th.  

Social Studies:  This week we will continue Ch. 4 learning about the Declaration of Independence,  the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the US Capital.  We will NOT take a test over this chapter.  A project about important landmarks, parks, and monuments will be the final grade for this chapter.

Other News:

Missouri 1 Million Strong Challenge:
The Missouri Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance would like to challenge all of the Missouri youth to develop their physical literacy and be physically active 60 minutes per day. This challenge is set for May 1-7, which coincides with National Physical Education and Sport Week. If you would like to take the challenge click here for an activity log. At the end of the week, bring your log to your PE teacher. Keep Missouri youth strong by taking the MISSOURI 1 MILLION STRONG CHALLENGE!

Parent Session for Safe Touch and Internet Safety:
We will hold a parent viewing session next Thursday, April 27th in the library from 6:00-7:00.   Our parents will be able to view the video and handouts for each grade level.  We will have three sessions.  The video is ten minutes.
6:00-6:20      K-1 grade
6:20-6:40      2-3 grade
6:40-7:00      4-5 grade
Velina Critchlow, Concord School Counselor and a representative from Jewish Family and Children's Services will be hosting the event.  If you need more information please call your school counselor.

Have a great week! 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Leader of the Week - Saanvi

Weekly Update

April 17th-21st

Hello Families!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:

  • Thank you to everyone who brought in $2 for our MAP testing trail mix!  We are going to have some great "brain food" this week!  The class is so excited!
  • MAP Testing Dates:  Our class will be MAP testing on the following dates and times, please try to avoid scheduling appointments during these times.  
    • April 17th-19th (in the afternoon)
    • April 27th -28th  (in the morning)

  • Monday afternoon we will begin MAP testing!  I am so proud of all of the hard work our class has put in o preparing for this test!  We have been working hard all year long and I know they are ready to show what they know!

Due to MAP testing this week, we will not be having our normal instruction time in reading, writing, and social studies.  However, we will continue to work on our geometry unit.  We will will focus on quadrilaterals and partitioning shapes.  We will wait to have the geometry test until after MAP testing is over!

Have a great week! 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Weekly Update

April 10th-13th

Hello Families!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:
  • Please remind your child to turn in their March reading log!
  • Scholastic book orders are due April 18th!
  • We do not have school this Friday!
  • MAP Testing Dates:  Our class will be MAP testing on the following dates and times, please try to avoid scheduling appointments during these times.  (If your child has a different testing schedule an email was sent to you last week with those dates and times.)
    • April 17th-19th (in the afternoon)
    • April 27th-28th (in the morning)

Weekly Objectives:

Writing:  For the next few weeks, we will be spending time reviewing for the upcoming MAP test!  This week we will focus on reviewing the different elements of our writing that we have learned this year.  This will include reviewing introductions, conclusions, transitions, and addressing the audience. 

Reading: During reader's workshop we will also be working on reviewing key concepts that we have learned this year!  This week we will focus on the importance of understanding Plot and View Point.

Math: This week we will begin Chapter 14: Geometry.  We will be focusing on angles, polygons, triangles, and quadrilaterals.  LOTS of vocabulary in this chapter so be on the look out for vocab cards coming home.

Science: Ch. 8 Test on Matter will be tomorrow.  We are reviewing today.  Study guides were sent home last week.  

*In order to cover all of the important math chapters before the MAP test, for the next few weeks spelling will be put on hold.  We are going to take our normal spelling time to do some extra math work.  This week we will review perimeter and area to make sure we fully understand this important concept!

Have a great week!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Mystery Reader - Owen's Grandpa

Thanks to Owen's Grandpa for coming to read to us today!  We enjoyed the books that you chose to read to us.  We also enjoyed that you chose books that reminded you of Owen, like the book "Mr. Particular."  The book "Nanobots" was very interesting too.  We know how much Owen LOVES Science, so this was a perfect choice.  Thanks again for coming today!

Congrats on ALEKS Completion

Saanvi and Baxter passed their Third Grade ALEKS PIE!  Congrats!!!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Happy Birthday, Peter!

Leader of the Week - Ramil

Congratulations Colin!

Colin completed his Third Grade ALEKS PIE!  Way to go, Colin!

Weekly Update

April 3rd-7th

Hello Families!
Listed below are the important reminders and objectives for our week.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  Thanks!

Important Reminders:
  • This Wednesday is an early release day! Please have your students wear their Flyer Family shirts. !
  • MAP Testing Dates:  Our class will be MAP testing on the following dates and times, please try to avoid scheduling appointments during these times.  
    • April 17th-19th (in the afternoon)
    • April 27th-28th (in the morning)
  • Please send in your $2 so I can purchase items for our testing trail mix.
  • Also Please send in your MAP encouragement letter for you child.  

Weekly Objectives:

Writing:  For the next few weeks, we will be spending time reviewing for the upcoming MAP test!  This week we will focus on reviewing the different elements of our writing that we have learned this year.  This will include reviewing introductions, conclusions, transitions, and addressing the audience. 

Reading: During reader's workshop we will also be working on reviewing key concepts that we have learned this year!  This week we will focus on the importance of understanding the theme of a story. 

Math: This week we will finish Chapter 11: Measurement.  We will have a test over this chapter this Friday, April 7th!

Science: This week we will continue Chapter 8: Matter.  We will focus on temperature and we will be performing a sink or float experiment.

*In order to cover all of the important math chapters before the MAP test, for the next few weeks spelling will be put on hold.  We are going to take our normal spelling time to do some extra math work.  This week we will take all that we have learned about graphing and put this to use in a graphing project.  Students will choose a question and survey the class.  They will then create a poster that displays the results using each graph we have learned!

Have a great week!